Why You Should Continue the Job Search During the Holidays (Advice for Job Seekers)
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually a period of chaos, within companies and families, as everyone strives to get things completed and prepare for a break. This probably doesn’t seem like a good time to begin searching for a job. However, the ‘holidays hiring freeze’ is a bit of a myth.
Don’t Put it Off
It is easy to tell yourself the first of the year is a better time to go after a position, but the truth is quite the opposite. Contrary to popular belief, companies are interviewing during the holidays with a desire to have their new employee beginning the first week of January. Because many people do put their search on hold, your competition is greatly reduced, making it an ideal time for you to stand out among other candidates.
Don’t Let ‘Seasonal’ Opportunities Scare you
Many companies hire extra employees to get through the holidays, but don’t shy away from a potential opportunity just because it’s labeled ‘seasonal.’ You will be trained for the position and get to know co-workers, which makes you the perfect candidate when a full-time position becomes available.
Even with the benefits listed above, it is a chaotic few weeks filled with more events and trips than usual, and it can be difficult to arrange an interview. It is important, however, that you are flexible and able to accommodate the hiring manager’s schedule for interviewing, as well as being open to a video interview.
If you are ready to begin searching for a job that fits your goals, contact ITAC today!